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Mountain Gorilla, Endangered Mountain Gorillas

The endangered Mountain gorillas are the main tourist attractions in Virunga National Pak– situated in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

Globally, Mountain gorilla population is found only within Virunga Mountains and Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. The Virunga massifs cover 3 national parksVolcanoes National Park, Mgahinga National Park & Virunga National Park.

Keep in mind that, mountain gorilla safaris in Africa are only done in only 3 countries that is Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The best way to see these mighty critically endangered primate species in their natural habitat is going for a gorilla trekking experience.

Travelers tracking Mountain gorillas in Virunga park of Congo also get a chance to spot other animals in this biodiverse protected area such as Forest Elephants, Bushbucks, among others. Gorilla trekking is a very rewarding wildlife safari adventure.

Virunga National Park holds about 10 Mountain gorilla families open for Congo gorilla trekking tours.

Travelers interested in finding out the difference between Mountain gorillas and their Eastern lowland cousins, double gorilla trekking is possible!

Below, we have highlighted the main aspects for our clients to know about the endangered Mountain gorillas in Congo.

Mountain Gorilla Facts in Congo

  1. Mountain gorillas live in families like humans.
  2. Mountain gorillas, once endangered, reside at elevations over 8000-13000ft.
  3. Each gorilla family is led by a dominant Silverback or a dominant adult male gorilla
  4. Congo Virunga gorillas population is about 1/3 of the Mountain gorilla population world wide
  5. Mountain gorillas are closely related to humans. They share 98% DNA.
  6. Gorilla beringei beringei can’t withstand confinement
  7. This great ape, scientifically known as Gorilla beringei beringei, is a herbivore.
  8. A Silverback protects the gorilla group up to the extent of losing its own life
  9. Mountain gorillas spend much of their time in fresh bamboo forests.
  10. Female Mountain gorillas have one offspring every 4-6 years.
  11. Human populations pose a significant threat to mountain gorillas.
  12. Mountain gorillas gestate for 9 months like humans
  13. Mountain gorillas in Congo Virunga park have long hair than the Eastern gorilla in Kahuzi Biega park.
  14. Most males reach puberty at 12 years of age. Usually, males leave the group when they reach adulthood
  15. It’s said that Bwindi population of gorillas is a separate subspecies from Mountain gorillas in Virunga extinct volcanic mountains

What Do Mountain Gorillas Eat in Virunga National Park?

Celery leaves, tree backs, shoots, roots, and stems are mountain gorillas’ major diets. Sometimes also Mountain gorillas eat insects, flowers, and fruits. They have also been spotted using twigs to trap ants from their nests.

A particular digestive system helps Mountain gorillas eat fibrous foods. Their enormous digestive system and large intestines allow them to digest tough vegetation.

On average, male Mountain gorillas eat 18.8kg of vegetation per day and adult females 14.9kg. These peaceful giants rarely drink water because they eat succulent foliage mostly.

Mountain Gorilla Body Structure

mountain gorilla

One of the world’s largest primates, Mountain gorillas weigh 180kg males and 90kg adult females. Gorilla beringei beringei stands at 4 feet tall. Adult males grow a silver hair saddle on their backs, hence the name Silverback gorilla.

Mountain gorillas have longer hair than other subspecies for instance, the Eastern lowland gorilla, which helps them to survive in misty forests in extinct volcanic mountains where temperatures can drop below freezing. These amazing apes have big chests, shoulders, and arms with opposable thumbs.

Although incredibly large, Mountain gorillas are gentle giants that shun fighting.

Going for a gorilla trek in Virunga National Park is the best way to see Mountain gorillas in Virunga National Park Congo.

Mountain Gorilla Social Structure in National Park Virunga

Mountain gorillas are gregarious, family-oriented primates. A gorilla family has many females, young gorillas, and immature males, as well as a dominant male silverback that protects the group.

The Mountain gorilla group’s social dynamics depend on the females’ close bond.

Mountain gorillas communicate via a variety of vocalizations, body postures, and facial expressions due to their advanced social abilities. Grooming helps them bond socially.

Habituated Mountain Gorilla Family Groups in Virunga National Park Central Africa

These are the fully habituated gorilla family groups in the extinct volcanic mountains of Congo Virunga park;

  1. Humba family group
  2. Kabirizi family
  3. Mapuwa Group
  4. Baraka
  5. Lulengo
  6. Bageni
  7. Munyaga family
  8. Nakamwe group
  9. Wilungula Family
  10. Rugendo group

Mountain Gorilla Family Structure

On average, a typical group (family) of Mountain gorillas contains 5-10 individuals but, there are some families whose members go up to 50. Each gorilla family in Virunga park is led by a dominant silverback male gorilla.

In most cases, when male young Mountain gorillas reach puberty, they leave their maternal group and join another

If a silverback dies from disease, poachers, or other causes, the family can be divided, but a capable male will eventually take control. If so, the new silverback may kill all the babies of the prior male gorilla!

Infanticide has not been observed in Mountain gorillas in Virunga National Park and even those living in other destinations like Volcanoes National Park Rwanda or Bwindi Impenetrable National Park gorilla populations.

Virunga Park Mountain Gorillas Vs Lowland Gorillas in Kahuzi Biega Park

Mountain gorillas in Virunga National Park inhabit mist mountainous regions (high altitude areas), usually above 1800ft above sea level. The lowland gorillas mainly live in lowland rain forest.

A mountain gorilla has thicker hair than the Eastern gorilla that lives in Kahuzi Beiga park.

All these gorilla species are endangered primate species according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature- (IUCN).

While on a Congo safari tour, it’s possible to enjoy both mountain gorilla trekking in Virunga park and lowland gorilla trekking safaris in Kahuzi Beiga park. The gorilla tracking permit in all these protected areas in Democratic Republic of Congo DRC is $400.

Mountain Gorilla Communication- How Do Gorillas Communicate?

Gorillas communicate verbally and nonverbally. DR. Elena Less at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo says grunts and grumbles are most common. Gorillas communicate like humans through facial expressions, postures, and vocalizations in dense vegetation.

Communication of gorillas is helpful in social situations! Silverbacks warn with roars & screams.

Deep, rumbling belches indicate contentment when feeding and relaxing. Mountain gorilla tribes utilize them most for communication.

Mountain Gorilla Aggression- Are Gorillas Aggressive?

Though powerful, Mountain gorillas are gentle and shy. When two mountain gorilla groups meet, the silverbacks may fight to the death, using their teeth to inflict deep wounds. Threats and other intimidation tactics are usually employed to resolve issues.

What Indicates a Fully Charged Mountain Gorilla?

Despite the fact that Mountain gorillas are among the most powerful great ape species, it had for it to attack humans particularly tourists undertaking gorilla trekking adventure. Instead, it will just show signs of aggression & power before it attacks. A gorilla can only attack if the enemy doesn’t back off!

Below are the signs of an aggressive Mountain gorilla in Virunga park for example;

  • Hooting increases
  • Bipedal standing
  • One-legged kick
  • Four-legged sideways running
  • Throwing vegetation,
  • Chest beating with cupped hands
  • Slapping and tearing vegetation
  • This great ape will punch the ground with palms

Gorilla trekking in Democratic Republic of Congo DRC- Virunga National Park) is safe provided you follow all the gorilla trekking rules. Travelers tracking Mountain gorillas in Congo should keep always a safer distance from the gorillas (about 7-8m) and never to touch or feed mountain gorillas.

In case gorillas become aggressive, just calm down and avoid eye contact with it! Never run or scream as this can makes it to be aggressive the more!

Virunga Park Mountain Gorilla Threats

Virunga National Park Congo Mountain gorillas are facing numerous threats however, there are some wildlife gorilla conservation organization for example, African Wildlife Foundation & International Gorilla Conservation Programme (IGCP).  Most of the treats to these great apes are caused by humans sometimes, human wildlife conflict!

These are the threats to Mountain gorillas in Virunga National Park Congo

i. Human-Wildlife Conflict, Mountain Gorilla Habitat Loss

Humans have encroached on gorilla parks because local communities live nearby. There are human settlements around DR Congo Virunga National Park and these local people sometimes illegally enter the park and cut bamboo forest.

The human encroachment in regions around Virunga park has increased pressure on natural resources including the forest- a habitat for these beautiful great apes.

ii.  Civil Unrest and Political Instability in Congo DRC

Political instability in the Democratic Republic of Congo DRC threatens these vulnerable humanlike primates. Virunga National Park is threatened by rebel groups in the Democratic Republic of Congo DRC civil war, putting these great apes at risk.

iii. Poaching & Illegal Pet Trade

These great apes (Mountain gorillas in Congo Virunga park) are often killed or hurt by the traps set to catch other mammal species living Virunga NP for instance, the forest hogs or Bushbucks.

Abduction of the baby mountain gorillas for zoos or to be used as pets and sometimes in cultural ceremonies also affect the population of gorillas in DR Congo Virunga park. Old gorillas, generally the Mountain gorilla mother and silverback male, die when baby gorillas are taken. They battles to death to save the family!

iv. Diseases

Tourists visiting Virunga National Park, may spread diseases to gorillas. Among them are flu and pneumonia which is fatal to these great apes.

This is a threat to Gorillas in other destinations like Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda as well as Mgahinga and Bwindi Impenetrable National Park Uganda.

v. Local Communities

Local communities living near the natural habitats are a great threat to these apes. They don’t only destroy natural resources (rain forests) – the natural habitat for Mountain gorillas but, they growing population results into human wildlife conflict. Cases of illegal exploration of bamboo forests have been registered in Virunga park.

  1. Though these great apes are under threat, great conservation efforts have been done to conserve gorilla population and in the past 2 decades, there a positive increase in the gorilla population size.
  2. Gorilla tourism has also increased globally and this promotes gorilla conservation. Some revenue collected is put in local community development thus, showing the nationals the value of Mountain gorillas in the economy
  3. Conservation initiatives have increased the status of mountain gorillas from critically endangered to endangered species. IUCN’s 2018 report says so. Park rangers (anti poaching patrols) monitor Virunga park to regulate poaching.

FAQs About Mountain Gorilla in Virunga National Park

Mountain Gorillas in Virunga National Park

1. How Many Mountain Gorillas Are in Virunga National Park?

About 350 mountain gorillas of the 1,063 Mountain gorilla population on earth live in Virunga Mountains– which spans even the Virunga National Park. Other parks include Mgahinga National Park Uganda and Rwanda Volcanoes National Park. Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable Forest holds over a half of Mountain gorilla population in the wild.

2. Are there Mountain Gorillas in Congo?

Yes, there are Mountain gorillas in DR Congo and these found in Virunga National Park in the east of this country.

3. Is a Silverback Gorilla a Mountain Gorilla?

A silverback gorilla is an adult male gorilla with a silver hair on its back. This silver patch usually develops when the gorilla is about 12 years. The silverback generally defends the gorilla group from external attacks.

4. Where Are the Most Mountain Gorillas on Earth?

Uganda is home to the largest population of mountain gorillas on Earth. Bwindi Impenetrable Forest Uganda has about half of the 1,063 Mountain gorillas in the wild.

5. How Long Do Mountain Gorillas Live on Earth?

The lifespan of mountain gorillas is around 35-40 years. Some exceed.

6. What is special About Mountain Gorillas?

Mountain gorillas resemble humans! Their emotions and behaviors are mostly human. Since these great apes share 98% of their DNA with humans, they are our closest cousins after chimpanzees & Bonobos.

7. Are Mountain Gorillas Friendly to Humans?

Though they are massive great apes, gorillas are peaceful and friendly to humans! Despite their being cool, always give them space during gorillas trekking expeditions as they are wild animals. Avoid touching them and never feed them.

8. Why Are Gorillas Endangered Species?

Habitat destruction, human wildlife conflict, poaching as well as pet trade negatively affect the gorilla population size especially in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

9. What Is the Best Time to See Mountain Gorillas in Virunga National Park?

Gorilla trekking in Virunga park is most enjoyable during dry months. These months are December–February and June–September. Due to less rainfall, trails for tracking Mountain gorillas are mud free in these months thus easier hikes.

In summary, Mountain gorillas are the most fascinating attractions in Congo for tourists on Congo gorilla safaris in Virunga National Park. They are amazing great apes having a distinct appearance complex social lives and behaviors similar to ours, the humans. Despite the small population size of gorillas, these gentle giants have captivated the world!

As humans and lovers of gorilla tourism, we can protect these beautiful giant humanlike primates in their natural habitats through conserving the environment & supporting gorilla conservation efforts.

On your safari in Congo DRC, consider gorilla trekking in Virunga National Park, where you may also hike Mount Nyiragongo. Check on our Congo gorilla safari packages for a memorable encounter with Mountain gorillas.

Want to visit Virunga?

Virunga National Park is one of the most biologically diverse protected areas on the earth where Congo Gorilla Trekking Safaris is encountered.
